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“Hands-On” Musicology
Essays in Honor of Jeffery Kite-Powell




“Musica Speculativa” v. “Musica Humana”: A Wry Comment or Two?, Anthony Rooley

Contemplative Analysis: An Introduction, Anthony Rooley

The Great Divide, Rebecca Lister

Reflections on Plainsong, Thomas Forrest Kelly

Ricercare and Variations on Ockeghem, Du Fay, and Cambrai, Alejandro Enrique Planchart

Thoughts on the Performance of Music by Palestrina and Lassus, Alexander Blachly

“Thundering to the Tune of Greensleeves”, Adam Knight Gilbert

The Musical Language of Death and Resurrection: Three Motets by Nicolas Payen, Laura Pollie McDowell

An Immaculate Deception?: Emulation and Religious Politics in Juan de Esquivel’s Ave Maria Domini mei mater, Michael B. O’Connor

Protestant Sacred Music Culture in Sixteenth- and Seventeenth-Century Breslau, Allen Scott

The Performance of Eight-Voice and Polychoral Psalmody with Instruments in Italy and its Role in the Development of the Concertato Style in the Sixteenth and Early Seventeenth Centuries, Jeffrey Kurtzman

Church Music and Cultural Pride: Hieronymus Praetorius, Hamburg’s First Great Composer, Frederick K. Gable

The Masses of Philippus Jacobus Rittler: Towards a Revised View of the Hapsburg Ordinarium Missae in the Late Seventeenth Century, Charles E. Brewer

Appropriating the Music Theoretical Concepts of Johannes Lippius: Heinrich Grimm’s “Instrumentum Instrumentorum, hoc est, Monochordum vel potius Decachordum” (1634), Michael Praetorius, and Textual Borrowing, Joanna Carter Hunt

Desperately Seeking Absalom (and Jonathan): A Re-Evaluation of Seventeenth-Century Anthems Based on King David’s Laments, John D. Spilker

Musical Instruments and Instrumental Music in the Jesuit Reductions, Timothy D. Watkins

Marin Marais’s Tombeau pour Mr. de Ste. Colombe: A “Secret Chromatic Art”?, Stewart Carter

One More Time: The Case for the Second-Part Repetition in Classic Sonata Form, Douglass Seaton

Orpheus as Civilizing Deity: Pierre-Simon Ballanche and Franz Liszt, Reeves Shulstad

A Christmas Eve to Remember: William Henry Fry’s “Santa Claus” Symphony, Laura Moore Pruett

Actors Preaching and Preachers Acting: Charles Gildon’s The Life of Mr. Thomas Betterton, Matthew Roberson

“Music that speaks—Poems that sing:” the Performance Style of Frieda Peycke, Marian Wilson Kimber

Jeffery T. Kite-Powell and the Florida State University Early Music Ensembles: An Annotated Interview, Allen Scott

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